Two market evaluation reports have been produced by Bythos partner AquaBioTech Group. The first report evaluates the market feasibility of producing both bioactive molecule-based (BAM) and collagen-based products from fish waste for the food, pharmaceutical cosmeceutical, and nutraceutical industries. The report includes a concise market and intelligence report that describes the current market worldwide and specifies target markets for Malta and Sicily. The report also indicates opportunities, threats and bottlenecks while taking into consideration the regional and international environment.  The report concludes that the BAMs and marine collagen markets offer great potential but a new production line in Sicily and Malta might be restricted by high extraction costs requiring large-scale production.

Bythos has identified 5 main sectors (pharmaceutical, cosmeceutical, nutraceutical, biomedical and food) for BAMs products (including astaxanthin, chitosan, bioactive peptides, marine collagen, gelatin and bio-inspired materials), thus identifying a minimum of 10 target markets in the biomed tech sector for fish residues.

Access report here: D 5.1_Biomed tech target markets