

For Human Health and Blue Growth

Bythos Interreg V-A Italia-Malta

We design the future

Bythos Project is a joint space to create synergies beetwen experts in biotechnologies and business, industry and local enterprise from Sicily and Malta.
The space will provide technologies, tools and expert skills in order to foster investment in innovation.

More about Bythos

Primary aims 

Human Health

The human health aspect regards the potential value of fish waste following the extraction of marine collagen, bioactive molecules (antimicrobial, antioxidant, antitumor and regenerative activity of the extracted and purified molecules) and omega 3 & 6 fish oils.

Marine collagen plays a particularly important role in the project as it is major component in cosmetic and skin care products.


Bythos seeks to promote the sustainable management of resources and ‘cleaner production’ in the fishing industry and food services sector in Sicily and Malta, thereby minimizing risks associated with waste for the environment; it fosters the circular economy, the rational use of discards and fish processing waste, and reductions in transport costs linked to organic waste disposal on the smaller islands.

Blue growth

Blue growth is the business sector connected to the ocean and seas and has an inherent circular economy-sustainable growth approach.

The business key message is that the products created by Bythos (cosmetic-pharm based products, nutraceuticals, omega oils, fish feed and organic refuse collection opportunities) make sense financially.

Biotech space

Business space


Per le imprese

Tanti contenuti in italiano per conoscere il Progetto Bythos e le opportunità rivolte alle imprese.


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